Niche - Optimising Crop Variety Placement in Sub-Saharan Africa


Niche - A scalable modelling tool to assess G×E×M interactions at continental scales (oral presentation)

Modelling approaches to select best genotypes by environment

Quantifying the effects of varietal types × management on the spatial variability of sorghum biomass across US environments

Main drivers of sorghum biomass in the USA.

Assessing errors during simulation configuration in crop models – A global case study using APSIM-Potato

We assessed the errors during simulation configuration in APSIM-Potato using GxExM experiments worldwide.

Radiation use efficiency and its use for a better characterization of ecosystem change syndromes in grasslands


The role of biological nitrogen fixation on crop productivity, nitrogen use efficiency and nitrous oxide emissions in reconfigured crop rotations. Quantification at different spatio-temporal scales

Daian Francia Laurenzo

Quantifying the effects of G×E×M on the spatial variability of crop biomass in the US


Linking remote sensing and crop models to estimate the aboveground biomass of annual and perennial forage crops

Facundo Della Nave

Modelling inter-annual variation in dry matter yield and precipitation use efficiency of perennial pastures and annual forage crops sequences

We compared two forage landcovers, the sequence oats-maize and pure alfalfa across a mean annual precipitation gradient.

Evaluation of the agricultural production systems simulator simulating Lucerne and annual ryegrass dry matter yield in the Argentine Pampas and south-eastern Australia

We evaluated the capacity of APSIM to simulate the growth rates and predict the dry matter yield of Lucerne (_Medicago sativa_ L.) and annual ryegrass (_Lolium multiflorum_ Lam.) in contrasting climatic regions of Argentina and Australia.