Research visitor from Germany

16 Feb to 11 Mar 2020

Dr. Kamali is a post-doctoral researcher in the Research Platform “Models & Simulation” at the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Germany. Dr. Kamali’s general research interest is large scale agroecosystem modeling, development, and implementation of approaches for model calibration, parameter estimation, and data assimilation. She is interested to learn methods to assimilate real-time remote-sensing data into agro-ecosystem models for a more accurate prediction of agricultural productivity and improved management of agricultural systems.

Dr. Ojeda hosted Dr. Kamali in Hobart to work in a joint research project under the Australia-Germany Joint Research Co-operation Scheme. They used a combination of process-based crop models with machine-learning algorithms to explore the underlying reasons for yield variability over 18 years of irrigated maize in Andalusia, Spain. The drivers of variability were identified at different irrigation strategies, cultivated with different cultivars. The underlying factors of yield variability were measured and the possible pathways to reduce yield variabilities were investigated. They are writing two papers together which will be submitted soon.


  • Large scale agro-hydrological modeling
  • Model calibration
  • Parameter estimation
  • MONICA model


  • PhD in Environmental Systems Sciences, 2017

    ETHZ Zurich, Switzerland

  • Master of Science in Water Resource Planning and Management, 2010

    Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran

  • Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, 2006

    Faculty of Engineering, Urmia University, Iran