
Jose Capuano

Agricultural Engineer

National University of Tucuman

Research visitor from Argentina

16-20 March 2020

Jose is an Agricultural Engineer from University of Tucuman, Argentina. He worked as a biosecurity inspector for the National Argentinian Government who oversee exportation programs for citrus, blueberries and tobacco, and supervising the harvest in grain productions like soybean, maize and black bean before moving to Australia. While in Australia he worked in farms around New South Wales and Victoria to learn about Australia’s agricultural and livestock production systems.

Jose participated in the APSIM Potato Modelling Project helping Dr. Ojeda and his team gathering potato samples from commercial farms (Simplot and McCain) located across Central and Northern Tasmania and recording relevant data for the project. He is currently looking for jobs related to Tasmania’s fruit and horticultural industries, biosecurity and research projects.


  • Horticultural industry
  • Biosecurity
  • Potatoes
  • Perennial crops
  • Systems analysis


  • Diploma of Leadership and Management, 2020

    Frontier Education, Tasmania, Australia

  • Fumigation Treatments with Methyl Bromide and Cold air Chambers, 2015

    CIAZT, Argentina

  • Agricultural Engineer, 2015

    National University of Tucuman, Argentina